Our services

Our professional services offer

based on four main areas of expertise


We provide organizational support to define the best structure, set up teams, and develop processes.


Our team supports you in your sourcing decisions (furniture production, site selection, and lease negotiation), develop contracts and templates, leveraging a global network of designers, architects, and general contractors worldwide.


We prioritize sustainability in all aspects of the store opening process. We help our clients define their pledge and commitment to sustainability and provide ongoing support to ensure it remains a priority throughout the store's life cycle.

Project Management Platform

To ensure the smooth and efficient execution of store opening, we implement a project management platform to collect and analyze data. We define needs, select the right tool, implement and develop reporting dashboards and KPI trackers.

Deep dive into store deployment set up

Defining the optimum organization based on your needs and ambitions is the first step.
Baked up with the definition and formalization of the process clarifying the roles and responsibilities.

Which organization do you need?

  • Define the best structure 
  • Develop the job description recruitment support
  • Evaluate skills to be internalized vs. externalized

Define the processes

  • Clarify scope and responsibilities of each stakeholder


  • Develop and document processes
  • Create personalized documentation (forms and templates) to harmonize terminology

Deep dive on Sustainability

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” - Gro Harlem Brundtland.

How can I be more sustainable in my retail operation ?

  • Define the pledge and commitment for the retail network
  • Prioritize actions towards sustainable deployment
  • Leverage UN Sustainability Development Goals

Let's implement

  • Evaluate suppliers capabilities
  • Consider impact of concept and optimize
  • Include day to day running operation impact

Manage ESG reporting including retail

  • Collect and process data for the company sustainability report
  • Issue statements on progress for investors
  • Calculate and update Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission

Deep dive on platform implementation

You need to track your network, your leases and the cost of the opening of these touch points.
Therefore you need a tool that will provide you with the master data enabling your reporting.

Which platform do you need?

  • Assess the needs based on the tools already used in your organization
  • Support the RFP and selection process

Define data structure and implement

  • The core of the success is linked to the data structure
  • Collect data and implement
  • Test workflows and release to user


  • Develop the reporting dashboards
  • Define the KPI tracked and their frequency
